T2S and CBF Releases – Information on the production launch in June


Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt1 informs clients about the TARGET2-Securities (T2S R2025.JUN) and the CBF Release in June 2025. According to the T2S Release Concept, the release will be deployed on

the weekend 14 and 15 June 2025
for business day, Monday, 16 June 2025

CASCADE-RS: Internal Registered Shares (RS) Account Transfers (AA01P) in OneClearstream reporting 

With the June 2025 release, CBF will introduce the reporting of Internal RS Account Transfers (ISO transaction code OWNE, instruction type AA01P, identical deliver and receipt account, not settled in T2S) in the OneClearstream reporting.

External RS Account Transfers (ISO transaction code OWNE, instruction type AA01P, different deliver and receipt account) and RS Position Transfers (ISO transactions code OWNI, instruction type AA01 B) are settled through T2S and are already today part of the OneClearstream reporting.


Transfer type

Position transfer

External account transfer

Internal account transfer

Transfer reason

Unregistering a position (to position type AWAS)

Beneficiary transferring to another bank

Change of reference within a bank

ISO Transaction Code in CASCADE-RS




CASCADE instruction type

AA01 B

AA01 P

AA01 P

Settlement in T2S




Delivery and receipt account

Same delivery and receipt account

Different delivery and receipt account

Same delivery and receipt account

Bookings in CASCADE-RS or in OneClearstream Reporting

One booking in CASCADE-RS, delivery and receipt in OneClearstream

Delivery and receipt in CASCADE-RS as well as in OneClearstream

One booking in CASCADE-RS, delivery and receipt in OneClearstream

Table 1: CASCADE RS transaction types2

Whereas the CASCADE-RS reporting shows position and internal account transfers in one booking, the OneClearstream reporting displays a delivery and a receipt for each transfer.

Xact Web Portal

CASCADE-RS account transfers can be retrieved in Xact Web Portal with the selection criteria Sec. transaction type "OWNE - External account transfer" and as already matched:

The transaction type OWNE lists external as well as internal RS account transfers. CBF clients can identify the internal account transfers by the identical delivery and receipt account (GUT-Konto and LAST-Konto).

CASCADE-RS Position transfers can be retrieved in Xact Web Portal with the selection criteria Sec. transaction type "OWNI - Internal account transfer" and as already matched:3

Example of a CASCADE-RS transfer with a delivery and a receipt for each transfer:

OneClearstream Settlement-Reporting ISO 15022 (MT54X)

CASCADE-RS account and position transfers can be identified by the following fields:

  • :22F::SETR//OWNE or OWNI in Sequence E “Settlement Details”; and
  • :13B::LINK/DAKV/DAKVDEFFXXX in the Subsequence A1 „Linkages“.

Just as in Xact Web Portal, subscribed clients receive for position and internal transfers a transaction confirmation for receipt and delivery, whereas the LIMA ISO15022 reporting for CASCADE-RS displays these transfers in one booking.

Further information

For further information, clients may contact Clearstream Banking Client Services or their Relationship Officer. Questions related to the technical connection can be addressed to Connectivity Support. Particular questions related to the production launch in June 2025 will be routed to and answered by the experts of the T2S Release Management.


1. This Announcement is published by Clearstream Banking AG (CBF), registered office at Mergenthalerallee 61, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, registered with the Commercial Register of the District Court in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under number HRB 7500.

2.  For distinction details see Praxisführer für Namensaktien in CASCADE-RS Teil I (available only in German).

3. The query is not limited to CASCADE-RS as it will retrieve all instructions containing the OWNE or OWNI flag.