GC Pooling


Financial institutions looking for new liquidity pools and for cost-efficient, low-risk solutions may turn to our GC Pooling services which are experiencing high volumes and continuous growth.

GC Pooling offers a user-friendly electronic platform for secured money market trading on an anonymous basis for EUR, CHF, GBP and USD funding against standardised fixed income and equity collateral baskets as well as baskets of ECB-eligible securities which can be reused directly to access ECB credit facilities. Eurex Clearing steps in as a CCP, thereby ensuring anonymous trading plus an efficient, centralised risk management process across all products.

GC Pooling gives clients access to straight-through processing services from several Deutsche Börse Group entities through one single point of access: Eurex Repo provides the trading platform, Eurex Clearing clears the trade and Clearstream provides the settlement and the collateral management. We are constantly expanding our GC Pooling services globally to significantly increase the cross-border use of assets which enables you to take full advantage of our international platform.

Corporate clients can also benefit from the service via the Select Invest stream. They can use the platform as a daily cash management tool for cash lending via collateral baskets to pre-determined institutional borrowers, and still benefit from Eurex Clearing as a risk-absorbing central counterparty.