In addition to its issuer-CSD franchises, Clearstream operates a large number of links to cash and securities markets across the globe, providing direct and secure access to the largest domestic liquidity pools. We are constantly expanding our global network and delivering market access solutions.

Easier access to China A-shares

Non-residents can invest in Renminbi-denominated shares listed on Chinese stock exchanges (A-shares) in a more streamlined manner while benefiting from Clearstream’s full range of settlement and custody services.

Clearstream opens link to Serbian capital market

Clearstream is the first ICSD to offer international investors seamless access to the Serbian capital market by enabling settlement of Serbian government bonds denominated in Serbian Dinar (RSD).

Fostering financing for global markets

Our world is connected – and so are our financial markets. Clearstream connects markets all over the world within one single network offering the entire range of post-trading securities processing services.