ISO 20022 and ISO 15022 equivalent messages
A list of the ISO 20022 messages and their equivalents in ISO 15022 are listed below:
CBPR+ messages
Message Name | ISO 20022 | ISO 15022 equivalent |
Financial Institution Credit Transfer | pacs.009 | MT200/202 |
FI To FI Customer Credit Transfer | pacs.008 | MT103 |
Payment Status Information (Reject) | pacs.002 (RJCT) | MT199/299 (REJT) |
Interim Money Suspense Report | camt.052 | MT942 |
Cash Balances Report | camt.053 | MT950 |
Monthly Interest Report | camt.053 | MT935 |
Money Suspense Report | camt.052/ camt.053 | MT940 |
Bank To Customer Debit Credit Notification | camt.054 | MT900 / MT910 |
FI To FI Payment Cancellation Request | camt.056 | MT192/292 |
Notification To Receive | camt.057 | MT210 |
Notification To Receive Cancellation Advice | camt.058 | MT292 |
Resolution of Investigation | camt.029 | MT196/296 |
Advices of Fees and Income | camt.105 | MT190/290 |
Corporate action messages
Report purpose | Message Type | Description | |
ISO 15022 | ISO 20022 | ||
New Message Notification | MT564 NEWM | seev.031 (CANO) | New notification. |
Replacement Notification | MT564 REPL | seev.031 (CANO | Supplementary information is provided. |
Reminder Notification | MT564 RMDR | seev.031 (CANO) | Reminder to client that CBL has not received their instruction. |
Income Pre-Advice Report | MT564 REPE (IPAR) | seev.035 (CAFE) | Eligible balance notification, reporting an eligible balance that may or may not include an entitlement calculation or a revised entitlement calculation. |
Claim and Reversal Advice | MT564 ADDB (CRA) | seev.044 (CAPC) | Notification of a market claim or reverse market claim subject to compensation by CBL that has been detected. |
Claim and Reversal Cancellation | MT564 CANC (CRA) | seev.044 (CAPC) | Notification of a cancellation of a reported market claim or reverse market claim. |
Claim and Reversal Advice | MT564 ADDB REVR (CRA) | seev.044 (CAPC) | Reversal advice of an income or non-income event. |
Cancellation Notification | MT564 CANC | seev.039 (CANC) | Cancellation advice of an event previously announced by CBL. |
Withdrawal Notification | MT564 WITH | seev.039 (CANC) | Withdrawal of the event or offer by the issuer (all previously sent event information is void). |
Formatted Corporate Action Instruction | MT565 | seev.033 (CAIN) | Provision of instruction by the client to CBL, describing how they wish to proceed with a corporate action event. |
Corporate Action Instruction Cancellation Request | MT565 CANC | seev.040 (CAIC) | Message sent by clients to CBL to request cancellation of a previously sent formatted corporate action instruction. |
Corporate Action Confirmation | MT566 | seev.036 (CACO) | Confirmation of posting of securities or cash as a result of a corporate action event, sent by CBL to the client. |
Corporate Action Movement Reversal Advice | MT566 REVR | seev.037 (CARE) | CBL sends this message to the client to reverse a previously confirmed cash entry. |
Corporate Action Event Processing Status Advice | n/a | seev.032 (CAPS) | Reporting of the processing status of a corporate action event by CBL to the client. Used to inform clients that a corporate action event will not be paid within the recommended timing. |
Corporate Action Instruction Status Advice | MT567 INST | seev.034 (CAIS) | Reporting by CBL of the status of a received formatted corporate action instruction. Used to advise clients of the status of a corporate action-related transaction. |
Corporate Action Instruction Cancellation Request Status Advice | MT567 CAST | seev.041 (CACS) | CBL sends this message to clients to report the status of a previously received corporate action instruction cancellation request message. |