Settlement services - Japanese debt securities


Pre-matching service

The table below summarises CBL's pre-matching service for external settlement instructions, as well as the pre-matching method and start time in the market. For details of CBL's pre-matching services, see Pre-matching services for external settlement instructions.

Service offeredMethod employedStart (local time)

Immediate Release Flag available

Manual via telephone or fax

14:00 SD-1

Book-entry bonds and book-entry JGBs

Immediate Release Flag available

Manual via telephone
As soon as instructions are received by HSBC Tokyo (PSMS)
14:00 SD-1 (Manual)
Connectivity mediumInstruction format

Xact Web Portal

Tick to enable the "Immediate Release" option.

Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer


Domestic allegement matching service

Where no pre-matching instruction has been sent to the market, CBL accepts allegements via its depository from domestic market counterparties, provided that the client’s account number at CBL is available and been asked by counterparties. It will then use these allegement messages to search for the best matching client instruction.

If no matching client instruction is found, the allegement is reported to the client provided that its CBL account number is present.

For details of CBL's domestic allegement service, see Pre-matching services for external settlement instructions.

Procedures for domestic counterparties

Procedure for the domestic counterparty


Clients delivering securities to, or receiving them from, the Japanese market must request their domestic counterparty to deliver the securities to or receive them from the CBL sub-account with HSBC Tokyo as follows:

Delivering Agent/Receiving Agent: HSBC Tokyo (BIC: HSBCJPJT)

Deliverer's Custodian/Receiver's Custodian: Clearstream Banking S.A. (BIC: CEDELULL)

Seller/Buyer: Ordering party's/beneficiary's account number in CBL

Market deadline

Allowed countervalue difference

A maximum difference in countervalue of JPY 3,500 is allowed for matching and settlement of against payment transactions with domestic counterparties. In the event of a discrepancy within these limits, the receiving party’s cash amount shall generally prevail.
In addition, there is a market tolerance limit set by JASDEC at JPY 100. When pre-matching is conducted by PSMS, settlement amounts will be automatically adjusted up to JPY 100 and for that, the seller's amount is always prioritised.

Back-to-back processing

Back-to-back processing is available for transactions in all book-entry corporate and municipal bonds settling in JASDEC and government bonds settling in the Bank of Japan. If both the client and the domestic counterparty meet their settlement obligations and fulfil the market's back-to-back requirements within the relevant deadlines, the linked receipt and the linked delivery will settle with same-day value.

To benefit from this functionality, clients must ensure that their back-to-back transactions are formatted as follows:

Connectivity mediumPool ID formatField(s) to be used

Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer

Field :20C: sequence A1

Field :22F: sequence E

a. The reference (16x) must neither start nor end with a single slash ’/’ nor must it contain two consecutive slashes ’//’.

Clients should also indicate their reference in the narrative field of their settlement instructions (:70E::SPRO// in Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer) by including the text “SAME DAY TURNAROUND RELATED REF xxxxxxxx” on both the receipt and delivery legs of the back-to-back transactions.

Note: Deadlines for the receipt of valid instructions for back-to-back transactions remain unchanged (see Settlement times).

Management of failed instructions

Instructions in the domestic market that remain unmatched by the requested settlement date are reported to CBL.

Any instruction that reaches the depository after the deadline will be settled with the next possible value in the domestic market with no back valuation.

Domestic instructions remain in suspense until they settle or until they are cancelled. CBL reserves the right to cancel an instruction with a domestic counterparty that has not settled by the fifth domestic business day after the day on which the instruction was released to the depository for settlement.

New issues settlement

The earliest transaction settlement in new issues will, when appropriate, take place on issuance date in the local market. For confirmation times, please refer to Settlement times.