Portugal Tax Announcements 2009-2010


The attached file includes all Portugal Tax Announcements published 2009-2010.

14.04.2009 A09054 Change of web address for official forms

28.07.2009 A09100 Additional Declaration for non-resident trusts and funds

05.08.2009 A09105 Official forms for Spanish resident beneficial owners

16.10.2009 A09157 Certificate of Residence can in some cases replace sections of RFI certification

01.12.2009 A09184 Important reminder: Renewal of the Statement for Exemption from Portuguese Withholding Tax on Income from Debt Securities

01.12.2009 A09185 Reminder: Renewal of Mod. 21-RFI

18.01.2010 A10008 Declaration templates for non-resident trusts and funds

11.02.2010 A10022 Simplified procedure for foreign central banks and government organisations

02.07.2010 A10109 Increase of withholding tax rate for certain beneficial owners

20.08.2010 A10133 Simplified procedure to apply for the 20% tax rate

02.09.2010 A10139 Standard refund procedure for debt securities

30.11.2010 A10205 New withholding tax rates in 2011

14.12.2010 A10219 Important reminder: Renewal of the Statement for Exemption from Portuguese Withholding Tax on Income from Debt Securities

14.12.2010 A10220 Reminder: Renewal of Mod. 21-RFI