Portugal Tax Announcements 2008


The attached file includes all Portugal Tax Announcements published 2008.

08.01.2008 A08006 New official forms for reduced withholding tax on dividends

18.01.2008 A08015 Changes to the withholding tax procedure

29.01.2008 A08025 Quick refund available to tax exempt Portuguese beneficial owners on interest payments

14.03.2008 A08056 Updates to the official reclaim forms

01.10.2008 A08165 Simplified relief at source and quick refund on dividends

05.11.2008 A08193 Important reminder: Renewal of the Statement for Exemption from Portuguese Withholding Tax on Income from Debt Securities

24.11.2008 A08207 Articles renumbered in tax certification

02.12.2008 A08216 Reminder: Renewal of Mod 21-RFI and Mod 8-RFI