Cannabis-related securities


Handling of currently eligible cannabis-related securities

Clearstream Banking continues to revise its risk-based assessment on handling cannabis-related securities and will continue to restrict settlement and asset servicing for some securities. From time to time, newly identified eligible securities may be added to the list of securities to which restrictions apply.

Clients should be aware that this list relates to securities currently eligible in Clearstream Banking. Securities not made eligible do not appear on this list.

A list of currently restricted eligible securities is attached below. Please note that this list will continue to be revised in line with Clearstream Banking’s risk-based approach and is subject to further change.

Addition of currently eligible cannabis-related securities to the restricted list

When currently eligible cannabis-related securities are added to the restricted list, there will be an interim period between the announcement and the coming into effect of the restriction. The effective date of the restriction of the security can be found on the attached list.

Settlement arrangements for restricted securities

Clients holding the restricted securities in custody will continue to be able to do so, without a specific deadline for divestment or transfer. Clearstream Banking will continue to accept both free of payment and against payment deliveries to the domestic market. Clearstream Banking will continue to disallow receipts from the domestic market in the restricted securities.

Further information

For further information, clients may contact Clearstream Banking Client Services or their Relationship Officer.