Investment Fund Market Guide - Liechtenstein


Key features (Register market)



Settlement free of payment


Settlement against payment


Refer to CBL’s Eligible currencies and the fund currency specified in fund prospectus.

Disclosure Requirements


Refer to Disclosure Requirements – Investment Funds – Liechtenstein.

Restrictions on customer


Refer to Holding Restrictions – Investment Funds – Liechtenstein.

Restrictions on settlement



Market type / link type (Settlement link)

Register market 

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market: UCITS, AIFs, Other Investment Undertakings

CSD link: n/a

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market

Under Liechtenstein Law, Investment Funds can be set up as

  1. UCITS under the Liechtenstein UCITS law –Gesetz über bestimmte Organismen für gemeinsame Anlagen undWertpapieren (UCITSG);
  2. AIF under the Liechtenstein AIFM law – Gesetz über die Verwahrer alternativer Investments fonds (AIFMG); and
  3. Other Investment Undertakings (IU) under theInvestment Undertaking Act which provides for four specific categories of IU: IU for single investors, IU for families, IU for interest groups and IU for affiliated groups.

The Investment Funds can be set up in the legal form of a:

  • Corporation (“Investmentgesellschaft”)
  • Collective trusteeship (“Kollektivtreuhänderschaft”)

In addition, AIFs and IUs can also be set up as:

  • Contract form (“Investmentfonds”);
  • Partnership (“AnlageKG”).