Investment Fund Market Guide – Canada


Key features (Register market)



Settlement free of payment


Settlement against payment


Refer to CBL’s Eligible currencies and the fund currency specified in fund prospectus.

Disclosure Requirements


Refer to Disclosure Requirements – Investment Funds – Canada.

Restrictions on customer


Refer to Holding Restrictions – Investment Funds – Canada.

Restrictions on settlement



Market type / link type (Settlement link)

Register market and CSD link

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market: Funds constituted as: Trusts, Corporations, Limited Partnerships

CSD linka: CSD-eligible closed-ended funds and ETFs

a. Please refer to the Market Link Guide - Canada for more details on funds on CSD link.

Eligible fund types in CBL

Register market

The following types of investment funds exist in Canada:

  • Funds constituted as trusts (including sub-trusts) - the investment position is usually referred to as a "Unit", which represents the rights of a beneficiary of the trust.
  • Funds constituted as corporations - the investment positions take the form of shares (including “corporate class” funds where a separate pool of assets is held for each corporate class of shares and each such separate pool and class of shares is treated as a separate fund).
  • Funds constituted as limited partnerships - the investment positions take the form of limited partnership units.

CSD link

Please refer to the Market Link Guide - Canada for more information.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - Listed ETFs have the same settlement process as listed equities.

CSD-eligible investment funds - CSD-eligible investment funds in Canada are eligible for settlement in CDS and DTC.