Member Section 2.0/Clearstream Billing Portal: Optimised structure and usability meet improved system performance


Clearstream Banking1 informs customers that effective

1 February 2021

Deutsche Börse’s group-wide online customer portal “Member Section 2.0” will be launched, setting new standards for our online services.

The completely renewed Member Section 2.0/Clearstream Billing Portal will enable Clearstream Banking customers to access other business areas of Deutsche Börse Group, in a more user-friendly and modernised way while taking advantage of increased system performance and enhanced functionalities.

Features of Member Section 2.0

The new Member Section 2.0/Clearstream Billing Portal will have the following features:

Improved system performance

  • State-of-the-art business software to increase the overall system and process performance.
  • Seamless access from different end user devices, including a mobile-friendly view.

Improved usability and personalisation

  • Streamlined look and feel across all applications and user-centric navigation path.
  • Help content will be available directly within the application, including tutorial videos and manuals.
  • Personalised user views, for instance, users only see services they are entitled to use or wish to see.
  • Users can customise their dashboard, triggered by the services they are frequently using.

Streamlined processing

  • Standardised processes to enhance process flow and transparency.
  • Integrated booking tool for direct booking of exams or system trainings from the “Trading & Clearing Administration (Person Admission)” area.
  • Central User Administration (CUA) application which allows to maintain required contacts, for example, compliance or responsible line contacts.

Impact on customers

The Clearstream Billing Portal will be deeply integrated. This means that it will be embedded into Member Section 2.0 in its current form, for instance, there will be no changes in look, feel or functionalities. These services will also be directly accessible and ready to use via the improved Member Section 2.0. The use of the Clearstream Billing Portal is still possible without any restrictions.

Member Section 2.0 will provide a single point of entry to information and services for all markets covered. From the effective date, access to any of these markets and the Clearstream Billing Portal will be available through a single login via the new URL: https://membersection.deutsche-boerse.com2. Using the previous Member Section URLs will trigger an automatic redirect to the new URL. Underlying jobs (such as existing webservices) do not need to be changed until further notice. Access to these services, for instance, will not change.

Further information

Customers can view the video Member Section 2.0: Customer Journey for a teaser.

More information can be found on the Clearstream Billing Portal page.

For further information, please contact Clearstream Banking Client Services or your Relationship Officer.


1. Clearstream Banking refers collectively to Clearstream Banking S.A., registered office at 42, avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B-9248, and Clearstream Banking AG, registered office at 61, Mergenthalerallee, 65760 Eschborn, Germany and registered in Register B of the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany under number HRB 7500.

2. As before, content and services of the Member Section depend on the company's authorisation and the user's personal access permissions.