Form Descriptions – Israeli equities


The use of the following forms is explained in relation to Israeli tax procedures. The templates of the forms are available on our Tax Forms to use section.

Israeli Securities – One-time Certificate

Clients must provide a duly completed and signed One-time Certificate certifying that the final beneficial owners are not residents of Israel for tax purposes and subject to Israeli withholding tax.

Important note: Clients are obliged to notify Clearstream Banking promptly upon receipt of any information that would render any statement in this certificate untrue or incomplete.

How many are provided?

One per Clearstream Banking account.

Who completes it?


How often is it provided?

Once. Valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Before execution of the first trade in Israeli securities to be settled in Clearstream Banking.

Copy or original?

Original/Qualified E-Signature (if applicable) required.

Israeli Securities – One-time Certificate for Israeli financial institutions acting as intermediaries

Israeli clients that are financial institutions acting as intermediaries must provide a duly completed and signed One-time Certificate, certifying they are Israeli tax withholding agents, implying they must comply with the relevant Israeli tax withholding and reporting requirements for their respective clients.

How many are provided?

One per Clearstream Banking account.

Who completes it?


How often is it provided?

Once. Valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Before execution of the first trade in Israeli securities to be settled in Clearstream Banking.

Copy or original?

Original/Qualified E-Signature (if applicable) required.

Breakdown of Holdings

For relief at source, the client must provide, per payment, a tax breakdown that must include the following details:

  • Account number of the client;
  • ISIN code;
  • Payment date;
  • Total holding;
  • Breakdown of the tax domiciles (countries) of the beneficial owners for which relief from withholding tax based on Double Taxation Treaty (DTT) or full exemption granted by the Israeli Tax Authorities is sought, with the respective tax rate to be applied;
  • Full name and address of the beneficial owner.

Note: Clearstream Banking clients must ensuclientclientre that the breakdown relates to settled positions only; without consideration of pending trades. Positions must be firm: amendments will not be possible.

How many are provided?

One per Clearstream Banking account.

Who completes it?


How often is it provided?

Per relevant payment.

When is it provided?

At the latest, two business days after each relevant record date by 10:00 CET.

Copy or original?

The breakdown must be delivered as a formatted MT565 Corporate Action Instruction via Swift or Xact Web Portal.

Certificate of Residence

The Certificate of Residence is only required if the beneficial owner is claiming DTT and if the part H has not been completed on form A/114.

In such cases, the client must provide a Certificate of Residence with the beneficial owner's full name and address, issued by the beneficial owner's tax authorities.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner.

Who completes it?

Beneficial owner's tax authorities.

How often is it provided?

Annually, until 31 December.

When is it provided?

At the latest two business days after the first relevant interest or dividend record date, by 10:00 CET.

Copy or original?

Copy required.

Israeli Securities – Form A/114

Clients must provide a duly completed and signed Form A/114 "Claim for reduced rate of withholding tax/exemption from withholding tax in Israel on payments to a non-resident" in order to benefit from DTT rates at source.

Important note: Clients are obliged to notify Clearstream Banking promptly upon receipt of any information that would render any statement in this certificate untrue or incomplete.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner.

Who completes it?

Beneficial owner or Client under cover of a POA.

How often is it provided?

Annually, until 31 December.

When is it provided?

At the latest two business days after the first relevant interest or dividend record date, by 10:00 CET.

Copy or original?

Copy required.

Certificate of Tax Exemption

Beneficial owners who are recognised as tax-exempt by the Israeli Tax Authorities must provide a Certificate of Tax Exemption, completed and signed by the Israeli Tax Authorities, certifying that the final beneficial owner is recognised as tax-exempt and is not subject to Israeli withholding tax.

How many are provided?

Once per Clearstream Banking account.

Who completes it?

Israeli Tax Authorities.

How often is it provided?

Once. Valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Two business days after the first relevant record date.

Copy or original?

Original required.

Official government or corporate document confirming that the client is a tax-exempt pension fund

Beneficial owners who are recognised as tax-exempt pension funds by the Israeli Tax Authorities must provide an official government or corporate document confirming that the client is a tax-exempt pension fund.

How many are provided?

Once per Clearstream Banking account

Who completes it?

Local government or corporation

How often is it provided?


When is it provided?

Two business days after the first relevant record date

Copy or original?

Copy required