Asset servicing - UK debt securities


Income collection

Service offeredRemarks
Notification to customers
Standard Asset Servicing reporting via Swift MT56x, Xact Web Portal and Xact File Transfer. 

See Section 8 “Asset servicing” of the Client Handbook.

See Connectivity manuals on the Clearstream website.

Payment of proceeds

Proceeds are calculated based on the positions recorded at the close of business on the record date and paid to the client's account upon successful receipt and reconciliation of funds. Proceeds will be paid with the value with which they are received. 

Funds under the Available for Cash Loan (ACL) concept, when applicable, are paid with good value.  

The payment method to be applied is reported via MT564 IPAR and Xact Web Portal IPAR. 

For further details on entries qualified as ACL, please refer to the section “5.6 Financing: availability of funds” of the Client Handbook.

a. Ex-date equals Record date. CREST will block the position from Record date until the final redemption. However, Bridge and internal transactions will remain possible and the related coupon and redemption cash payments will therefore be paid according to the ICSD position held on PD-1.

Corporate actions

Service offeredRemarks
Notification to clients

Standard reporting.

In addition, CBL informs clients, on an “as and if received” basis, of unscheduled securities events occurring on account holdings, such as rights offers, reinvestment options, exchange offers, purchase offers, mergers etc.

No specific deviations from standard reporting provided by CBL apply to the UK market.

Instruction to CBL

Clients may instruct CBL to carry out options foreseen in the terms and conditions of the underlying type of security, including but not limited to exchanges, call options exercises etc.

It is not possible to transfer a right to the proceeds of a maturing gilt during the “shutting period” (which begins on the seventh (for UK gilts generally) and the tenth (for 3.5% War Stock) business day before redemption).

Proxy Voting procedures

Proxy Voting services are not available in CBL in this market.

Entitlement compensation rules

Please refer to the Clearstream Banking Entitlement Compensation Rules - UK.