Settlement services - Ireland - Securities eligible in Euroclear Bank
Settlement services applicable to Irish government bonds
The Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) has appointed Euroclear Bank (EB) as the Central Securities Depository for Irish government bonds. As such, settlement of Irish government bonds takes place in Euroclear Bank. CBL clients are able to settle all Irish government bond transactions via the CBL-EB electronic Bridge.
For details of settlement via the CBL-EB electronic Bridge, please refer to the section on the processing of Bridge transactions in the Clearstream Banking Client Handbook.
Transactions in Irish government bonds settle on trade date plus two business days (TD+2).
Registration of Irish government bonds
The CBI is the registrar for Irish government bonds. The CBI register consists of the holdings of:
- Euroclear Nominees Limited (grouping all securities positions held in EB accounts into a single account on the register);
- Non-Euroclear Nominees (mainly retail investors).
Pre-matching service
The table below summarises Clearstream's pre-matching service for external settlement instructions, as well as the pre-matching method and start time in the market. For details of Clearstream's pre-matching services, see Pre-matching services for external settlement instructions.
Service offered | Method employed | Start (local time) |
Equities | ||
Immediate Release Flag available | Automated through Euroclear Bank (EB) | On receipt of instructions |
Connectivity medium | Instruction format |
Xact Web Portal | Tick to enable the “Immediate Release” option. |
Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer | Field :22F::STCO/CEDE/IREL |
Procedures for domestic counterparties
Counterparty delivering to / receiving from CBL omnibus account 49693 | |
Procedure for the domestic counterparty | Deadline |
Receipt in CBL | |
Deliver to: Clearstream Banking S.A. participant account in Euroclear Bank 49693 Buyer: BIC11 of the CBL client a | Market deadline |
Delivery from CBL | |
Receive from: Clearstream Banking S.A. participant account in Euroclear Bank 49693 From account of: Clearstream Banking S.A. Seller: BIC11 of the CBL client a | Market deadline |
Counterparty delivering to /receiving from CBL Irish QI account 59233 Note: Relevant for clients who have certified for Irish QI relief | |
Procedure for the domestic counterparty | Deadline |
Deliver to: Clearstream Banking S.A. participant account in Euroclear Bank 59233 For account of: Clearstream Banking S.A. In favour of: Account number of CBL client Buyer: BIC11 of the CBL client a | Market deadline |
Receive from: Clearstream Banking S.A. participant account in Euroclear Bank 59233 From account of: Clearstream Banking S.A. By order of: Account number of CBL client Seller: BIC11 of the CBL client a | Market deadline |
a. The corresponding BUYR/SELL fields are optional matching fields in Euroclear Bank and become matching when populated by both parties. Clearstream Banking will instruct with BUYR/SELL fields. The counterparty can leave the field blank or adapt to the BIC of the CBL client.
Specific settlement rules/settlement restrictions
Partial settlement
Euroclear Bank will apply partial settlement when the delivering party does not have the full amount of securities or the receiving party does not have sufficient cash for settlement. Client delivery and receipt instructions are provisioned for the full quantity or cash value before being released for settlement. Consequently, client delivery and receipt instructions may only settle partially if their counterparty is short of securities or cash. Clients that do not wish their transactions to settle partially must provide field :22F::STCO//NPAR or Partial Settlement set to “Partial not allowed” in their instruction.
Partial settlement is not applicable to cross border settlement between Euroclear Bank and EUI.
Nationality Declaration
Some Irish equities are subject to Nationality Declaration.
For holdings of Irish securities subject to Nationality Declaration, the registrar must be informed of the nationality of the beneficial owner. This process allows issuing companies to monitor the level of ownership by foreigners.
Clients wishing to transfer a security that requires a Nationality Declaration must include the ISO 3166 country code of the buying or selling investor in their receipt or delivery instructions, as indicated below:
Swift ISO 15022 | Xact Web Portal | |
Nationality of the investor | Sequence: F - OTHRPRTY Field: :95C::INVE//xx (the ISO 3166 country code that specifies the investor’s nationality) | Other business parties: Other business party type - Investor Format – Country Code Identifier – the ISO 3166 country code that specifies the investor’s nationality |
Note: Domestic instructions without the nationality declaration or with an invalid country code will be rejected.
If a Clearstream client transfers such securities, Clearstream may be contacted by the registrar of the issuing company to arrange for the correction of the nationality declaration or the disposal of shares to an EU national.
If a client declared a non-EU nationality, client must ensure compliance with any Restricted Share notices received within the provided deadline. Correction of the nationality information might require submission of the details of the beneficial owner, as explained in Investment regulation - Ireland.
Failure to provide accurate nationality information or to dispose of the shares, if and when required, will result in a securities freeze and a forced sale of the shares.
Clearstream will accept no responsibility with regard to any problems resulting from the registration process applicable to securities subject to Nationality Declaration.
The following issues are subject to Nationality Declaration. This list is not exhaustive; it is provided for information purposes only and is correct according to the best information available to Clearstream at the time of publication. However, Clearstream accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions.
ISIN | Name of Security |
IE00BYTBXV33 | Ryanair EUR 0.006 |
As of 7 March 2025, both EU and non-EU nationals can purchase Ryanair Holdings plc ordinary shares, but the nationality declaration will continue to be monitored.
Ryanair Holding plc can reintroduce the acquisition restriction at an appropriate time to ensure that the proportion of the company’s issued share capital held by EU nationals is at least 20%.
Back-to-back processing
Back-to-back processing is available for transactions in the Euroclear Bank system. If both the client and the domestic counterparty meet their settlement obligations and fulfil the market's back-to-back requirements within the relevant deadlines, the linked receipt and the linked delivery will settle with same-day value. To benefit from this functionality, clients must ensure that their back-to-back instructions are formatted as follows, according to the connectivity medium used:
Connectivity medium | Pool ID format | Field(s) to be used |
Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer | :POOL//16xa | Field :20C: sequence A1 |
a. The reference (16x) must neither start nor end with a single slash "/" nor must it contain two consecutive slashes "//".
Irish stamp duty in Euroclear Bank
Charge to stamp duty
- External transfers
Stamp duty, charged at the rate of 1% on the stampable consideration amount (see below), applies when the title to Irish equities is transferred electronically in Euroclear Bank. Unless an exemption applies or the delivering party (that is, the transferor) is accountable for payment, stamp duty is due on external receipts of Irish equities in Clearstream. For deliveries to an ADR agent, stamp duty is generally applicable to the delivering party as the Irish Revenue Agency considers the stock as leaving the Irish market. Nevertheless, shares converted into ADR form with no change of beneficial ownership and no prior contract to sell such ADRs are not liable to stamp duty on the conversion. In such situations, to avoid being charged with stamp duty, the settlement instruction should include the no change of beneficial ownership flag. - Internal transfers
No stamp duty is due from Clearstream on internal transfers of Irish equities between Clearstream clients. Clients, other intermediaries or beneficial owners may, however, be liable or accountable for payment of stamp duty on internal transfers and should consult their tax advisers to ensure that they comply with Irish stamp duty regulations.
Accountable and liable person
In accordance with Irish stamp duty regulations, the person purchasing the securities (that is, the transferee) is accountable and liable for payment of stamp duty on a transfer of Irish equities through Euroclear Bank. If the delivering party is accounting for the stamp duty, then the ultimate liability rests with the receiving party (that is, the purchaser).
Euroclear Bank rules to charge stamp duty
Euroclear Bank applies the following rules to determine who is debited with the stamp duty (that is, accounts for the stamp duty). Clients are requested to pay specific attention to these rules and in particular the scenario 2 when the client receives securities from a broker.
Buyer | Seller | Stamp duty debited from | Comments | |
1 | No stamp status indicator | No stamp status indicator | Buyer | |
2 | No stamp status indicator | Stamp exempt indicator | Buyer | When the delivering counterparty is a broker, who generally accounts for the stamp duty either outside Euroclear Bank or include the stamp amount in the contract and subsequently exempt the delivery from stamp duty. As per Euroclear Bank stamp duty rules, in this situation the stamp duty is charged to the receiving party, i.e. CBL and subsequently to its client. The process at Euroclear Bank related to this scenario is different compared to CREST. Clients are requested to align with their brokers to ensure appropriate use of stamp status indicators to avoid stamp duty being paid twice. |
3 | Stamp exempt indicator | No stamp status indicator | Stamp exempt | |
4 | Stamp exempt indicator | Same stamp exempt indicator | Stamp exempt | |
5 | Stamp exempt indicator | Different stamp exempt indicator | Stamp exempt | |
6 | Stamp eligible indicator | No stamp status indicator | Buyer | |
7 | Stamp eligible indicator | Stamp exempt indicator | Buyer | |
8 | Stamp exempt indicator | Stamp eligible indicator | Seller | |
9 | No stamp status indicator | Stamp eligible indicator | Seller | |
10 | Stamp eligible indicator | Stamp eligible indicator | Buyer |
Stamp status indicators in Euroclear Bank
The following stamp status indicators are available in Euroclear Bank. Clients should pay specific attention to the conditions under which some stamp duty indicators may be used.
Stamp status indicator | Status | Description |
IEYX | Exempt | Irish exempt, no change in beneficial ownership (NCBO) |
IE8X | Exempt | Irish exempt, new issue |
IEPX | Exempt | Irish exempt, acting as a recognised intermediary, approved by the Revenue Commissioners This stamp duty exemption can be used only when the receiving client has been approved as recognized intermediary by the Revenue Commissioners. Clients are, and remain, fully responsible for ensuring appropriate use of the stamp status indicator in their receipt instructions. |
IELX | Exempt | Irish exempt, stock borrowing Loans on Irish equities are exempted from stamp duty as long as the return leg is processed within 12 months (or less than 365 days) of the settlement of the opening leg. Clients are, and remain, fully responsible for managing their lending trades and the use of the stamp status indicator only when the exemption conditions are fulfilled. |
IEQX | Exempt | Irish exempt, for any other reason |
IE1X | Stamp duty is due | Irish 1% ad valorem (exact percentage) |
Input of Irish stamp duty indicators in clients domestic settlement instructions
Stamp duty details must be input in the relevant field of each instruction. Exemption of stamp duty is only possible if applicable and the relevant exemption code is included in the settlement instruction.
Clients should pay particular attention to the input of the fields, as penalties may be incurred if the information subsequently proves to have been incorrect.
The following rules apply to Irish securities subject to stamp duty and must be completed as such in the appropriate fields of the Clearstream receipt and delivery instructions, as indicated.
Receipt of a security subject to Stamp Duty
Xact via Swift | Xact web portal | Meaning | |
1 | An exemption is claimed by the client because there is no change of beneficial ownership. | ||
MT540 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty | |
2 | An exemption is claimed by the client because the deliverer is a broker and accountable or the receipt is the result of a new issue from an on-exchange member b. | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Stamp duty expected to be paid by the delivering party. | |
3 | An exemption is claimed by the client because the receipt is a result of a new issue from a non-exchange party. | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty as new issue | |
4 | An exemption is claimed by the client because the deliverer is a client and has paid the stamp duty on a previous transaction | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty as the stamp duty was paid on a previous transaction | |
5 | No exemption is claimed. The receiver is accountable. | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Stamp duty to be paid by the receiving client | |
6 | An exemption is claimed by the client acting as a recognised intermediary, approved by the Revenue Commissioners c | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty. | |
7 | An exemption is claimed by the client because the receipt related to stock borrowing c | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty | |
8 | Irish exempt for any other reason | ||
MT540/541 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Transaction exempt from stamp duty |
a. To ensure correct processing of the instruction, please enter code words exactly as presented here, including the slash characters.
b. If the broker exempts its delivery from stamp duty, Euroclear Bank will charge the stamp duty to the receiver even if exemption is claimed in the receipt instruction.
c. The use of this exemption is subject to certain conditions explained above. The appropriate stamp status indicator in Xact Web Portal will be available from 3 May 2021 and will be confirmed then.
Delivery of a security subject to Stamp Duty
Xact via Swift | Xact Web Portal | Meaning | |
1 | The delivering client is not subject to stamp duty (the receiving party is accountable) | ||
MT542/543 | Stamp duty tax basis: | Stamp duty to be paid by the receiving party | |
2 | Delivery where the delivering party is accountable, that is, the delivering client wants to account for the stamp duty and the receiver is not accountable. | ||
MT542/543 :19A::DEAL//GBP15db :22F::STAM/ECLR/IE1X | Amount: “Trade Amount” EUR 15d or GBP 15db Stamp duty tax basis: | Stamp duty to be paid by the delivering client |
a. To ensure correct processing of the instruction, please enter code words exactly as presented here, including the slash characters.
b. This field must contain the ISO currency code (EUR or GBP) followed by the total amount of the deal (deal price * quantity of securities) in 1-13 numeric characters (no leading zeroes), the mandatory comma decimal separator and 0-2 decimal positions.
Stampable consideration amount
The amount of stamp duty charged is calculated as 1% of the stampable consideration amount, which is one of the following:
- If the securities are being transferred for consideration in money or money’s worth, the amount or value of the consideration; or
- In other cases, the value of the securities.
Input of the stampable consideration amount
Clients should pay particular attention to the input of the stampable consideration amount, as penalties may be incurred if the information subsequently proves to have been incorrect.
The following factors apply when including the stampable consideration amount in instructions:
- The currency of the stampable consideration amount must always be euros (EUR) or sterling (GBP).
- The stampable consideration must be bigger than zero.
- The amount of the stampable consideration can be up to 15 digits but must always include two decimal places preceded by a comma separator (not a period). For example:
123456789012,12 and 57,12 are valid amounts;
123456789012 or 123456789012.12 or 57.12 are not valid amounts. - No blank space must be left between the currency (EUR or GBP) and the amount.
- The stampable consideration amount must always be preceded by the code word “DEAL//” for Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer.
Calculation and payment of the stamp duty
In Euroclear Bank stamp duty is calculated as follows.
Against payment transactions subject to stamp duty:
- when the party accounting for the stamp duty has indicated a stampable consideration in EUR or GBP in their instruction, 1% will be applied to this amount.
- When the party accounting for the stamp duty has not indicated a stampable consideration or has provided a stampable consideration in another currency than EUR or GBP, 1% will be applied to the cash amount indicated in the seller’s instruction (converted to EUR by application of the daily ECB exchange rate, if the cash amount is expressed in another currency than EUR or GBP)
Free of payment transactions subject to stamp duty:
- The party accounting for the stamp duty has indicated a stampable consideration in EUR or GBP in their instruction, 1% will be applied to this amount.
- The party accounting for the stamp duty has not indicated a stampable consideration or has provided a stampable consideration in another currency than EUR or GBP, 1% will be applied to the transaction quantity multiplied by the closing price of the share on the previous business day converted to EUR, if applicable
Stamp duty is calculated on the matching date and debited on the settlement date + 1 business day. No stamp duty is however debited for instructions that are cancelled after matching but before actual settlement. Should a transaction settle partially, stamp duty is calculated and debited on the partially settled portion.
When applicable, CBL debits the stamp duty from the client accounts upon being debited by its custodian.
Note: Clients that are liable to pay stamp duty but do not comply with the delays set forth by the IRC may be charged additional non-refundable interest, penalties and surcharges. Clients are strongly recommended to always ensure that the appropriate stampable consideration is input in their instructions, along with the respective codes, to avoid the incorrect calculation of stamp resulting in under- or over-payments to the IRC.
For further details about how to obtain a refund or make a payaway, please refer to the Market Taxation Guide - Ireland.
Irish stamp duty on cross-border transactions
Euroclear Bank has advised that when an instruction is sent from Euroclear Bank to the CREST system of Euroclear UK & International, Euroclear Bank will assess the settlement instruction for Irish stamp duty based on the stamp status indicator input in the settlement instruction to Euroclear Bank. Separately, the associated matching instruction input in the CREST system of Euroclear UK & International by the relevant account holder (counterparty) will be subject to the stamp duty rules set out by Euroclear UK & International.
It is therefore possible for both the counterparty in Euroclear UK & International, and CBL and subsequently CBL client to incur stamp duty charges in the respective systems, if the appropriate Irish stamp duty indicators are not specified on the respective instructions. If this does occur, a reclaim may subsequently be made by the client to the Irish Revenue Commissioners directly.
Clients should pay specific attention to stamp duty values in their cross-border instructions and when there is no change of beneficial owner, use the stamp duty indicators as provided in the Market Link Guide - Ireland – Equities and corporate bonds in Euroclear Bank.
Responsibility and indemnification
CBL will not bear any responsibility with regard to the stampable consideration amount mentioned in the client's instruction. If the Revenue Commissioners question or make inquiries in relation to the stampable consideration amount input in the instruction or any other details of any of the client's transactions, it is the responsibility of the client to provide CBL with all required explanations and/or documentation.
By sending CBL an external receipt or delivery instruction for securities subject to Irish stamp duty, the client is deemed to indemnify CBL for any taxes, penalties, interest thereon and other costs that CBL may incur as a result of CBL's reliance on the information included in the client's instruction, including the stampable consideration amount indicated by the client or the claim to be entitled to exemption from stamp duty.
Retention and disclosure of documentary evidence
Documentary evidence of details of all transactions and, where applicable, proof of relief from stamp duty must be retained for six years from the settlement date of each transaction and must be forwarded upon request from CBL or the Revenue Commissioners. By holding Irish equities in an account with CBL, clients will be deemed to appoint CBL and CBL's depository for Irish equities as their attorneys-in-fact for the purpose of providing the information to the Revenue Commissioners, if requested by the latter.
Stamp Duty Reclaim request charges
Please refer to the Clearstream Banking Fee Schedule.
New issues settlement
Transactions in new issues are settled on the day on which the distribution takes place on the Irish market. For confirmation times, please refer to Settlement times.
Settlement Discipline Regime and related domestic market settlement functionalities
Recycling of pending transactions
Unmatched instructions will be cancelled automatically either after 20 working days starting from the intended settlement date or the date of the last status change of the instruction.
For non-Bridge eligible securities, matched, but not settled instructions will be recycled until they are settled or cancelled by the client or their counterparty.
Bilateral cancellation
This means that matched instructions can only be cancelled if both domestic counterparties request a cancellation of their instructions.
Until the cancellation confirmation is received from the market, the instruction will remain eligible for settlement, that is, the instruction may be provisioned and proposed for settlement and may be subject to cash penalties.
Partial settlement
Partial settlement is available for domestic transactions and the client’s decision to accept for the transaction to settle/not to settle partially will be systematically included in the instruction sent to the local market. Partial settlement will continue as it does today and Clearstream Banking will continue to report partial settlement feedbacks received from the markets.
Cash tolerances
For domestic instructions against payment in EUR, the following cash tolerance levels will apply (as at present):
- EUR 2 for transactions of an amount up to or equal to EUR 100,000; and
- EUR 25 for transactions of an amount greater than EUR 100,000.
With non-EUR currencies, for settlement amounts equivalent to less than or equal to EUR 100,000, the tolerance level will be equivalent to EUR 2, while for settlement amounts that are equivalent to more than EUR 100,000, the tolerance level will be equivalent to EUR 25. For settlement instructions in currencies other than EUR, CSDs should use the official exchange rates of the European Central Bank (ECB), valid on 1 January of the respective calendar year.
For domestic against payment instructions, the maximum discrepancy tolerated in settlement matching varies in accordance with market practice and the conditions of the domestic link.
Matching information
The trade date is a mandatory matching criterion and domestic instructions will follow local market rules.
Cash penalties
Penalties will be calculated and applied on matched settlement instructions that fail to settle, in full or in part, on and after their intended settlement date (ISD), if both the settlement instruction and the relevant financial instrument are subject to cash penalties.
Instruments subject to cash penalties
Any financial instrument listed in the Financial Instruments Reference Data System (FIRDS) database maintained by ESMA will be subject to cash penalties. However, cash penalties will not apply to shares listed in the Short Selling Regulation (SSR) exemption list.