Form descriptions - Standard refund - Estonian equities (CBF)


The following is a list of information regarding the various tax forms to be completed in order to benefit from standard refund of withholding tax on income from Estonian equities. The templates of the forms are available on our Tax forms to use - Estonia section.

Letter of Request to Clearstream Banking for Tax Refund of Estonian withholding tax

This authorises Clearstream Banking to reclaim withholding tax from the Estonian Tax Authorities on the customer's behalf.

Who completes it?


How often is it provided?

Per reclaim application.

When is it provided?

With the reclaim request  - at the latest three months before the statutory deadline.

Copy or original?

Original required

Declaration of Beneficial Ownership

Each beneficial owner being an individual DTT resident or a legal entity must submit a Declaration of Beneficial Ownership before its first application for standard refund, confirming that it is the owner of the income for which tax refund is claimed and that it has no fiscal residency in Estonia. This document remains valid until revoked and must be completed and signed by the beneficial owner or by his representative, in which case original Power of Attorney from the beneficial owner to the representative must be also submitted.

Who completes it?

Beneficial owner.

How often is it provided?

Once – valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

With the reclaim request  - at the latest three months before the statutory deadline.

Copy or original?

Original required

Certificate of Residence (for individuals only)

Each eligible individual beneficial owner being DTT resident must submit a Certificate of Residence issued by his local tax authorities and valid for the income event for which standard refund  is requested. The Certificate of Residence remains valid 12 months from the date when it was signed by the tax authorities.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner.

Who completes it?

Beneficial owner’s tax authorities.

How often is it provided?

Annually - The Certificate of Residence remains valid 12 months from the date when it was signed by the tax authorities.

When is it provided?

With the reclaim request  - at the latest three months before the statutory deadline.

Copy or original?

Original required .

Credit Advice

Identifies dividend payment details including the security type, gross amount of payment, date of payment and amount of tax withheld. The credit advice must reconcile with the information in the refund form. 

Furthermore the full chain of credit advices is required as proof of payment from Clearstream Banking to the final beneficial owner. This means that, if the beneficial owner is the customer’s client, the credit advice from the customer to the beneficial owner must be provided in addition to the Clearstream Banking credit advice.

Who completes it?

Each financial institution in the custody chain

How often is it provided?

Per reclaim application.

When is it provided?

With the reclaim request  - at the latest three months before the statutory deadline

Copy or original?

Original required.

Power of Attorney (if applicable)

If the customer or a third party is completing a form on behalf of the beneficial owner, a Power of Attorney must be provided.

Who completes it?

Beneficial owner.

How often is it provided?

Per reclaim application.

When is it provided?

With the reclaim request  - at the latest three months before the statutory deadline.

Copy or original?

Original or authenticated copy required.