Form descriptions – relief at source, quick refund – Czech Republic


This paragraph provides information regarding the various tax forms to be completed in order to benefit from relief at source or quick refund of withholding tax on income from Czech securities. The templates of the forms are available on our Tax Forms to use section.

One-Time Certificate for Czech Securities

The One-Time Certificate for Czech Securities should be submitted by all clients before the first applicable interest payment date or with the first quick refund application.

It specifies whether the client is the sole beneficial owner of all Czech securities held in the account and provides details regarding the residency of the beneficial owner(s). Any changes to any details must be communicated in a new One-Time Certificate.

How many are provided?

One per Clearstream account

Who completes it?

Clearstream's client

How often is it provided?

Once, it is valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Once before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original/Qualified E-Signature (if applicable) required.

Per-payment instruction

The per-payment instruction should be completed by all clients holding securities on behalf of third parties, for each relief at source or quick refund application.

It indicates:

  1. Complete data of each beneficial owner (full name, fiscal address – to be specified in the BENODET sequence for Swift users or in the beneficial owner details sequence for Xact users - , country of residence for tax purposes – to be specified in BENODET sequence in field 94C for Swift users or in the beneficial owner details sequence under BENF place for Xact users - , position, applicable tax rate – to be specified in field :92A: for Swift users or in the requested withholding tax rate for Xact users) and;
  2. the payment details (client’s account number, ISIN, corporate action reference ID, payment date, total holding of securities).

The per-payment instruction should be provided via Swift (formatted MT565 message), or via an Xact Web Portal message (please refer to the CBL Client Handbook for full formatting requirements).

How many are provided?

One per relief at source / quick refund application

Who completes it?

Clearstream's client

How often is it provided?

One per relief at source / quick refund application

When is it provided?

Before each applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original if sent via postal  mail

Certificate of residence

The Certificate of Residence should be provided by all non Czech resident beneficial owners (except International/Supranational organisations).

It must be issued in English or Czech by the beneficial owner’s local tax authorities. Additionally, it must cover the record date of the event for which it is to be used.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner’s local tax authorities

How often is it provided?

Once per calendar year

When is it provided?

Before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline of the year.

Copy or original?

Original required

Declaration of beneficial ownership

The Declaration of beneficial ownership should be provided by all beneficial owners, except the EU/EEA Pension funds and the International/Supranational Organisations.

It certifies the name and status of the beneficial owner.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner

How often is it provided?

Once, valid for three years until 31 December of the third year

When is it provided?

Before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original required

Declaration of EU/EEA Pension fund

This Declaration should be provided by beneficial owners being EU/EEA Pension fund.

It certifies the name and the pension fund status of the beneficial owner.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner

How often is it provided?

Once, valid for three years until 31 December of the third year

When is it provided?

Before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original required

Declaration of beneficial ownership of International and Supranational Organisation

This Declaration should be provided by beneficial owners being International / Supranational Organisation.

It certifies the name and International / Supranational Organisation status of the beneficial owner.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner

How often is it provided?

Once, valid for three years until 31 December of the third year

When is it provided?

Before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original required

Proof of International/Supranational Status

The proof of International/Supranational Status is the document to be provided along with the Declaration of Beneficial Ownership for International and Supranational Organisations, only if the Czech Republic is not a member of the International/Supranational Organisation and/or if the organisation is not listed on the website of the Czech Ministry of Finance.

This proof of status can either be:

  • A certification from the tax authorities confirming that the entity is an International/Supranational organisation eligible for tax exemption; or
  • The international treaty, the foundation document or any other document proving that the entity is an International/Supranational organisation eligible for tax exemption.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner’s tax authorities (if the proof provided is a certification issued by them)

How often is it provided?

Once, it is valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Once before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original required

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney should be provided if a third party is completing either the Declaration of Beneficial Ownership, either the Declaration of EU/EEA Pension fund or the Declaration of International and Supranational Organisation on behalf of the beneficial owner.

How many are provided?

One per beneficial owner

Who completes it?

The beneficial owner

How often is it provided?

Once, it is valid until revoked.

When is it provided?

Once before the first applicable relief at source / quick refund deadline

Copy or original?

Original required