Xact Web Portal: Ad hoc reporting functionality for Statements of Holdings


Note: This Announcement, originally published on 6 September 2023, has been updated with additional details. The changes have been highlighted.

Further to Announcement D23032 Clearstream Banking1 informs clients about the ad hoc reporting functionality in Xact Web Portal, effective

18 September 2023


Xact Web Portal has been enhanced to provide clients with ad hoc reporting under its Reporting and Monitoring service, with a new “AdHoc Reporting” domain and “Manage Adhoc Reporting” sub-domain. 

The first report available under the new service will be “Statement of Holdings (securities/cash)” intended for external audit purposes.

Click on image to enlarge

Click on image to enlarge


Statement of Holdings (securities/cash) is available under AdHoc Reporting/Manage Adhoc Reporting.

The report is split into an MT535 Statement of Holdings for the securities part and an MT950 Money Statement for the cash part (depending on the client account set-up, that is, Securities + Cash, Securities only or Cash only).

Once scheduled, the report can be downloaded as a PDF file and stored on a local drive. 

To query Manage Adhoc Reporting/Statement of Holdings (securities/cash)

  1. Click on Reporting & Monitoring, Manage Adhoc Reporting in the main menu of Xact Web Portal;
  2. Select Statement of Holdings (securities/cash) from the drop-down menu; 
  3. Populate the fields with the required search criteria;
  4. Click on "Count" if you want to check how many results your query will yield as it is currently specified, use the "Count" button to display the number in the Count field. If the count is high, you can refine your query to yield fewer results;
  5. Click on "Query" to see the List View.
  6. To display the details of the report, select the row(s) from the list and click on "Open details", alternatively, click on the folder icon. If more than one row is selected the reports details open in separate tabs.

To create an Adhoc Reporting/Statement of Holdings (securities/cash) subscription

  1. Click on Reporting & Monitoring, Manage Adhoc Reporting in the main menu of Xact Web Portal. The screen will open with the Query view;
  2. Click on the “+” button to create a new report subscription; The report wizard will open;

  3. Complete the fields as required;
  4. Click on "Submit”;
  5. The Details window will open: Click on Refresh (several refresh clicks may be necessary depending on file size and server response) to see the new report subscription under the List of Requests, and click on Acknowledge to validate the request;
  6. Your report(s) will appear in the List of Responses;
  7. Select the row(s) you wish to download; Click on Download;
  8. Unzip/Extract/Save the file to the location of your choice and open the PDF.

Further information

Further information can be found in the  Xact Web Portal User Manual.

Please see the Clearstream website for more information about Xact Web Portal.

For further information please contact the Clearstream Connectivity Helpdesk or your Relationship Manager.


1. Clearstream Banking refers to Clearstream Banking AG, registered office at 61, Mergenthalerallee, 65760 Eschborn, Germany and registered in Register B of the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany under number HRB 7500.