Xact Web Portal rollout and CreationOnline decommissioning


Following Announcement C19021, Clearstream Banking1 informs customers of the following important points regarding Connectivity:

  • CreationOnline will be decommissioned on 31 December 2021;
  • The rollout of the Xact Web Portal has been actively ongoing since 2019;
  • CreationOnline will no longer be enhanced. Future functionalities will only be made available in Xact Web Portal.

CreationOnline decommissioning

Introduced in 2003, Clearstream Banking’s trusted workstation, CreationOnline, will reach the final stage of its product lifecycle on 31 December 2021.

As of that date, maintenance of CreationOnline will cease for the following reasons:

  • Increasing costs of maintenance and conformity to standards (annual SWIFT Releases) and regulatory requirements (CSDR);
  • Reliance on Java to install and log-on (see Announcement C18036); 
  • Ever increasing functional disparity with Xact Web Portal.

Xact Web Portal rollout

As Xact Web Portal now offers all the core functionality available in CreationOnline, as well as many new features, Clearstream Banking will increase its efforts to roll out the new workstation to all customers as a replacement for CreationOnline. At this moment, all Clearstream Banking customers can benefit from the unique features Xact Web Portal provides:

  • Access to both ICSD (Creation) and CSD (T2S) settlement platforms;
  • Business Monitoring Centre that alerts customers on their specific business;
  • Dashboard providing customers with an overview of all their business indicators;
  • Powerful simulation features for Securities Financing.

Since the beginning of 2020, Clearstream Banking has been communicating with customers on the way to proceed with this migration. Please already note the following points:

  • Functionally, Xact Web Portal and CreationOnline offer access to the same services in a comparable fashion. While the user experience may be different, Clearstream Banking does not foresee a big effort for experienced CreationOnline business users to adapt to Xact Web Portal;
  • Once an Organisation Unit has been opened in Xact Web Portal, customers have full control over user management via a set of OU Administrators to create new Business Users and User Groups as best fits the organisation concerned. Individual user credentials are not migrated into Xact Web Portal;
  • Users have the possibility to migrate existing report subscriptions managed in CreationOnline directly in Xact Web Portal.
  • Customers that want to have access to Xact Web Portal or to test it in a controlled environment, please contact the Clearstream Banking Connectivity Helpdesk.

Xact Web Portal and CreationOnline fees

Currently, Xact Web Portal and CreationOnline share the same fee structure with the standard price applicable on same query. No double charging for subscribing to the same business service in both systems.

The workstation fees have been extremely stable, with only one adjustment since the availability of CreationOnline.

Further information

Information about Xact Web Portal can be found on the Xact Web Portal page.

For technical details about Xact File Transfer connectivity solutions, please refer to Xact File Transfer.

For further information, please contact the Clearstream Connectivity Helpdesk or your Relationship Officer.


1. Clearstream Banking refers collectively to Clearstream Banking S.A., registered office at 42, avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B-9248, and Clearstream Banking AG, registered office at 61, Mergenthalerallee, 65760 Eschborn, Germany and registered in Register B of the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany under number HRB 7500.