Air Berlin PLC: Share register notice


On the issuer’s (Air Berlin PLCs) behalf, Clearstream Banking1 informs its customers that Air Berlin PLC’s share register will no longer accept any requests to register a third party shareholder (i.e. a nominee registration) (“Fremdbesitz”) with immediate effect.

Important Information:

At Air Berlin PLC’s request, the following explanation is provided: “Share registrations in a third party shareholder’s name (i.e., a nominee registration) are not permitted on Air Berlin PLC’s share register and thus bear no right to vote. Air Berlin PLC will therefore, effective since June 11th 2012, refuse any requests to register a third party shareholder (i.e., a nominee registration) in its share register. Air Berlin PLC requires that, effective immediately, when submitting a share register change request, credit institutions submit the shares’ beneficial owner(s), instead of the previously submitted nominee(s).

Both the registrar and the issuer are available for answering any questions in this regard:

registrar services GmbHAir Berlin PLC
Contact personRolf KanertDr. Ingolf Hegner
Telephone+49 (0)69 910 62631+49 (0)30 3434 1532

Registration Request Withdrawal Pursuant to §67,4 (5) of the AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)

Due to the above-mentioned reasons, registration requests have been withdrawn with effect from June 11th, 2012. Accordingly, since June 11th, 2012, Air Berlin PLC no longer participates in the procedures for automatic registration of legitimated shareholders.”

Further information

For further information, please contact our Registered Shares Team or Customer Service Domestic via:

Registered SharesCustomer Service Domestic
Telephone:+49-(0) 69-2 11-1 13 00+49-(0) 69-2 11-1 11 77
Fax:+49-(0) 69-2 11-61 13 00+49-(0) 69-2 11-61 11 77

1. This Announcement is published by Clearstream Banking AG, registered office at Mergenthalerallee 61, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, registered with the Commercial Register of the District Court in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under number HRB 7500.