Transfer of securities from CBF to CBL - Luxembourg (LuxCSD)
Delivery instruction specifications in CBF
Deliver free
M | Last-Kto | T2S PARTY BIC of CBF participant (alternative 4-digit account master or 7-digit account) |
M | Gut-Kto | LUXCLULLXXX (alternative 4707000) |
M | Schlusstag | Trade Date |
M | Empfaenger-P1 - BIC | CEDELULLXXX (T2S Party BIC of CBL) |
O | Empfaenger-P1 - SAC | LUXC0048700 (CBL account in LuxCSD) |
O | Empfaenger-P2 - BIC | BIC11 CBL customer |
Swift in ISO15022 format (ICP mode)
MT542 Deliver Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98A: | :TRAD | //Trade date | B |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //4-digit account master or 7-digit account in CBF | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :REAG | //LUXCLULLXXX | E1 |
M | :97A: | :SAFE | //4707000(0) | E1 |
M | :95P: | :RECU | //CEDELULLXXX (T2S Party BIC of CBL) | E1 |
O | :97A: | SAFE | //LUXC0048700 (CBL account in LuxCSD) | E1 |
O | :95P: | :BUYR | //BIC11 CBL customer | E1 |
Swift in ISO20022 format (DCP mode)
sese.023 (Securities Settlement Transaction Instruction) DELI with FREE
M | Trade date - <TradDt> | Trade Date |
M | Receiving depository BIC - >Dpstry/Id/AnyBIC> | LUXCLULLXXX |
M | Credit account - <QtyAndAcctDtlsSfkpgAcct> | 4707000(0) |
M | Debit account - <QtyAndAcctDtlsSfkpgAcct> | 4-digit account master or 7 or 8-digit account in CASCADE |
M | Receiving P1 - <AnyBIC> | CEDELULLXXX (T2S Party BIC of CBL) |
O | Receiving P1 Safekeeping account - <SfkpgAcct> | LUXC0048700 (CBL account in LuxCSD) |
O | BUYER P2 - <AnyBIC> | BIC11 CBL customer |
Receipt instruction specifications in CBL
Xact Web Portal
M | Trade Date | Trade date and time |
Delivering settlement parties | ||
M | Depository Format | BIC |
Depository Identifier | DAKVDEFFXXX | |
M | Party 1 Format | BIC |
Party 1 Identifier | T2S Party BIC11 of CBF customer |
Xact via Swift and Xact File Transfer
MT540 Receive Free
Seq | ||||
M | :98a: | :TRAD | //Trade date/time | C |
M | :95P: | :PSET | //DAKVDEFFXXX | E1 |
M | :95P: | :DEAG | //T2S Party BIC11 of CBF customer | E1 |