Form descriptions - Latvian securities


Breakdown of Taxable Holdings

If the securities are held by taxable beneficial owners, customers must, before each impacted income event, provide Clearstream Banking with a Breakdown of Taxable Holdings via SWIFT (free formatted MT599), or XACT WEB PORTAL message (please refer to Customer Handbook or announcement C18050 for full formatting requirements), containing all mandatory information per beneficiary, as per below:

  • Account number;
  • ISIN code;
  • Corporate action id;
  • Data identifying the final beneficial owners: 
    • Full name of the tax beneficial owner. To be specified in the benodet sequence for SWIFT users or in the beneficial owner details sequence for XACT users);
    • Personal identification code (natural persons) or registration number (legal persons). To be specified in field 95S::ALTE//TXID for SWIFT users or in the Beneficial owner details sequence under TIN for XACT users;
    • Date of birth (required only for natural persons, not-residents of Latvia). To be specified in the narrative for SWIFT and XACT users;
    • Country of residence for tax purposes. To be specified in benodet sequence in field 94c for SWIFT users or in the beneficial owner details sequence under BENF place for XACT users;
    • Address in the residence country (street, street number, place, postal code). To be specified in benodet sequence for SWIFT users or in the beneficial owner details sequence for XACT users;
    • Legal status (individual or legal entity) of the beneficial owner. To be specified in field 70E, INST// for SWIFT users or in the Corporate action instruction sequence under Narrative for XACT users,
    • Holding of each beneficial owner;
    • Tax rate to apply. To be specified in field 92a for SWIFT users or in the requested withholding tax rate for XACT users, 

How many are provided?

One per Clearstream Banking account.

Who completes it?


How often is it provided?

Per each income payment.

When is it provided?

Two business before respective payment date by 10:00 CET

Copy or original?

Via SWIFT (free formatted MT599), or XACT WEB PORTAL message