Securities administration - Denmark


Income collection

Market Record dateEx-dateBasis for entitlementStandard interest calculation rules
Coupon paymentPayment date -1 or
Execution date +2
Record date -1 or
payment date -2
Settlement position
on record date
Dividend paymentPayment date -1 or
Execution date +2
Record date-1 or
payment date -2
Settlement position
on record date
Not applicable

Corporate actions

Corporate actions announcements are published via Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, the Danish Central Securities Depository, the issuing companies and the local newspapers.

Most common corporate events

The most common corporate actions in the Danish market are bonus, rights issues, drawings, subscriptions, mergers and stock splits.

Organisation of AGM/EGMs

Companies are obliged to publicly announce the AGM between eight days and four weeks prior to the meeting.

So that the beneficial owner can exercise the vote, the securities must be registered in the beneficial owner’s name. Customers that want to vote at general meetings (physically or by a proxy) must instruct Clearstream Banking to register their shares in the name of the beneficial owner prior to the general meeting's record date as defined by the respective company. The re-registered shares must be transferred to a separate VP account.

Early redemptions

Drawings in the Danish securities market are performed according to a percentage-based drawing procedure. This applies to drawings on mortgage credit institution bonds as well as to drawings on government bonds. The percentage rate announced in the market will always be a factor with ten decimals.

Market Record dateEx-dateBasis for entitlement
MandatoryValue date -1Record date -1Settlement position
on record date