Beneficial owners – Sweden


The following types of beneficial owner are recognised for tax purposes in Sweden:

Debt securities


Beneficial owner

Tax rate

All (No withholding tax is deducted on interest from Swedish debt securities held in Clearstream Banking)



Beneficial owner

Tax rate

Non-resident of a DTT country a


Tax exempt entities:

  • Supranational organisations and foreign governments
  • UCITS funds
  • Non-UCITS funds
  • Entities within the meaning of EU Parent Subsidiary Directive 2011/96/EU  


Swedish residents


a. Residents of Switzerland cannot apply for relief at source or a reclaim using the quick refund or standard procedure via Clearstream Banking, but instead reclaim applications for residents of Switzerland must be filed, by the beneficial owner, directly with the competent tax authority. This is following an agreement between the Tax Authorities of Sweden and Switzerland dated 17 August 1993 that regulates treaty benefits and the reclaim process. Under this agreement, treaty benefits are only possible through tax reclaim.

In addition, UK tax resident individuals are not eligible to apply for relief at source or quick refund via Clearstream Banking. Such beneficial owners may however request a standard reclaim.