Securities trading - Russia


Key market-tradable securities

Denomination currencyMaturity
payment frequency
Place of settlementForm
Government bonds
RUB/USDRedemption by issuer at maturityAs per prospectusGenerally, quarterly or semi-annualNSD/CSDDematerialised
or immobilised (global)
Corporate bonds
RUB/USDRedemption by issuer at maturityAs per prospectusGenerally, quarterly or semi-annualNSD/CSDDematerialised
or immobilised (global)
Municipal bonds
RUB/USDRedemption by issuer at maturityAs per prospectusGenerally, quarterly or semi-annualNSD/CSDDematerialised
or immobilised (global)
RUB/USDNot applicableNot applicableVariesNSD/CSD, RegistrarDematerialised
or registered

Bond redemptions

Redemption is by the issuer at final maturity and is for the entire outstanding issue of securities. The client will be entitled to receive the total payment amount to the account indicated in the questionnaire completed by the client and submitted to the custodian under the respective custody agreement. If so required by applicable Russian law, the client may be further requested by the custodian to disclose the identity of its customers.

Dividend payments

There is no specific payment date for equities dividends in Russia, but rather a payment period within which issuers distribute dividend payments and that can cover several days or weeks. Dividends are approved at general shareholder meetings and the lists of shareholders entitled to participate in a meeting (and therefore to receive dividends) is checked and verified by the registrar on the basis of settled positions on the Record date.