Reminder: Delivery of annual custody account statements via CBF Fileservice


Customers of Clearstream Banking1 receive annual custody account statements in electronic form within the context of the annual portfolio reconciliation pursuant to number 11 paragraph 3 of the "Anforderung an die Ordnungsmäßigkeit des Depotgeschäfts und der Erfüllung von Wertpapierlieferungsverpflichtungen” (“Requirement in terms of the regularity of the custody business and the fulfilment of securities delivery obligations”).

With the provision of electronic statements, CBF informs you about the status of your securities holdings at the end of the year in a form that enables you also to compare these with your inhouse securities holdings electronically.

These annual custody account statements are available as an electronic file in PDF format through our already existing CBF Fileservice via the website of Deutsche Börse. With the respective access rights you will be in a position to obtain your information.

Applying for access rights

To comply with regulatory requirements, we request that you apply for the respective access rights for the interested department (for example, internal auditing or controls) - if not already done. Alternatively, an existing user can also download the file and then let the interested department open it (using a different password).

Detailed information

You will receive a more detailed description of the access procedure together with your user data. This will also include your password.


1. This Announcement is published by Clearstream Banking AG (CBF), registered office at Mergenthalerallee 61, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, registered with the Commercial Register of the District Court in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under number HRB 7500.