Xact Web Portal: CBF File Service redesigned user interface


Clearstream Banking AG1 informs clients about the upcoming changes to the user interface in Xact Web Portal – CBF File Service effective

on business day, Monday 29 July 2024


As ClearstreamXact continues its journey to improve the user experience in Xact Web Portal, CBF is pleased to inform clients of the upcoming features and changes that will be available from Monday 29 July 2024 at the start of the business day.

In this upcoming release, CBF will introduce a new user interface and experience for the CBF File Service in Xact Web Portal. These changes will make it easier for users to perform queries and download reports.

Impact on clients

The new screens of the CBF File Service available via the Reporting & Monitoring menu are shown below and are already available in the client testing environment.

The list view configuration remains unchanged, so clients can continue to use their preferred settings to view their list.  

CBF is providing a transition period, during which clients can access both the legacy (old version) and the new design, before moving exclusively to the new design later this year.

As always, CBF welcomes feedback to improve the overall experience that CBF can offer through Xact Web Portal.

Further information

For further information, please contact Clearstream Banking Client Services or your Relationship Manager. Questions related to the technical connection can be addressed to Connectivity Support.


1. This Announcement is published by Clearstream Banking AG (CBF), registered office at Mergenthalerallee 61, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, registered with the Commercial Register of the District Court in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under number HRB 7500.