DI Execution: Further enhancements to be implemented
Following Announcement D22017, Clearstream Banking1 informs customers about the implementation of further enhancements of the DI (Digital Instrument) Execution entry portal starting on
21 November 2022
DI Execution enhancements
DI Execution, the portal for the issuance of e-securities, will enable the issuance of fixed income products (for example, commercial papers and fixed coupon bonds). In addition to this instrument extension, customers will be able to issue high volumes via machine-to-machine processing with the implementation of the API (Application Programming Interface) connectivity.
Services offered to customers issuing via Clearstream Banking AG (CBF)
Customers who want to issue e-securities via CBF must connect via Xact Web Portal authentication to the DI Execution portal.
To trigger an issuance (same-day issuance is also possible), instrument specific templates must be filled out and afterwards issuance can be initiated. The e-security will be created once the entry into the central register takes place. Customers will be able to monitor the actual status of the e-security at any time, the issued nominal as well as its history via customised access to the central register.
In addition, the automatic settlement process as well as feedback through standard ISO messages and the User Interface (UI) are included.
In accordance with the eWpG, Clearstream Banking will always publish the terms and conditions of the e-securities publically via the dedicated application called Public Node (including corresponding meta data).
To make use of the DI Execution services, issuers must sign a DI Execution order form whereby the service terms will be accepted, and the service description will be acknowledged.
Further information
For further information please contact diex@clearstream.com.
1. Clearstream Banking refers to Clearstream Banking AG, registered office at 61, Mergenthalerallee, 65760 Eschborn, Germany, and registered in Register B of the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany, under number HRB 7500.