In the menu, select "User Management", then "User".
Then click on the "Create" tab. The User Create View will be displayed.
As soon as a User Type is selected the system will provide a list of
available User Groups that match this criteria, in the "Grant Selection"
These User Groups are grouped by service. At the beginning of each line, you
will find a check box, checking it will make the User belong to this group.
You can also expand the User group to display:
When all mandatory fields have been filled, click on the "Submit" button to complete the creation of the user. The 4-eyes review will then have to be performed, during this step the credentials information (user password and certificate storage location) of the user being created will have to be provide (see "Create password & certificates" sub-section). Please note that the P12 password is the password that protect the certificate file (also called "P12"). The Approval View can be reached either via the Task Portlet or via the User Query View, by all Administrators (except the Current Administrator) granted with the required Functional Role (see the "Required Functional Role" for more details).
Only an Admin user granted with the Functional Role "User Admin" can create/modify a User. An Operation user cannot create a user.
It is not possible to grant a particular user with a Functional Role or Resource Group. The grant can only be performed on a User Group. (See "User Group > Create" section for more details).