Activities are predefined queries that are directly accessible from the Dashboard. The number displayed on each button represents a count of items that will be returned by the query (as calculated during the last refresh).
The Alerts portlet contains all important information, for action or for information that were recently sent to the connected user. A maximum of 7 Alerts will be displayed. By maximising the Alerts portlet the user will have access to the full history of Alerts.
The My Saved Queries Portlet allows the user to execute saved queries from the Dashboard. A maximum of 7 queries will be displayed in the Dashboard. By maximising the My Saved Queries portlet the user will have access to the full list of queries that have been saved.
The Tasks portlet includes pending actions on which the connected user can perform the next step. A maximum of 7 Actions will be displayed. By maximising the Tasks portlet the user will have access to the full list tasks assigned to the user.
Parent topic: Dashboard
Previous topic: Contacts