With the new upload feature, it will be possible to create up to 300 new instructions.
You need to create an ASCII CSV file containing your instructions. The files are prepared offline in either of the following ways:
Clearstream Banking has created one Cash template that can accommodate the different instruction types.
The templates are available on the Clearstream Banking website or In XACT by download it for selected cash service.
Once the Excel template is complete and all the instructions have been added, simply click on the “Create Instruction file” button at the top of the Instructions Data worksheet. The file created by the Excel macro will be saved to the same directory in which the template is saved.
You can create the instruction file yourself, using the detailed field and format specifications. The file format specifications must be followed in order for the file to be accepted by XACT. The details for the files can be found in the links below:
Cash Pre release instructions via Create Upload
Create upload
To upload your Cash instructions, you must:
1. Log into XACT.
2. Select Cash & Liquidity / Cash File upload from themenu.
3. Select the Action command, select “Upload File” and you are prompted to browse for the file and then upload it from their system.
The upload process for the instruction file will generate feedback, either confirming acceptance of the whole file or rejecting it. If one instruction fails, the whole file is rejected. If the file is rejected, an online printable error message will highlight the problems that need to be fixed in the file before it can be reloaded.
You can create a file of up to 300 Cash instructions for the following:
Pre-advice of funds,
To access Cash File Upload instruction, select Cash & Liquidity, then Cash File Upload from the menu. The Cash File Upload instruction page will open.
Cash File upload Screen Layout
Cash File Upload Excel file specifications
Field Patterns